Main rules - Violating these can get you kicked off quickly
1. No vulgarities, obscenities, profanity, swearing, name-calling,
or mockery.
2. Do not attack the character of a board participant.
3. Do not post an attack upon a board participant
to all the members of the board
4. Do not post or post links to offensive material - porno, etc.
5. Do not impersonate
anyone -- or try to.
6. Do not cut & paste large amounts of material.
7. Do not plagiarize.
8. Do not post
material on behalf of someone who has been Kicked off.
9. Do no post links to graphic pictures.
10. If you are kicked
off, stay away and do not reregister under another name or email address in order to continue posting.
11. Likewise you
will not use the username and password of anyone else.
12. Sometimes I reinstate people if they promise to abide by the
board rules.
13. If you know of someone who has been banned and know that the person is posting under a different name,
and if this found out, you may be subject to also being banned.
14. Note: We reserve the right to revoke your privilege
to post on the boards if we determine that you are being unduly disruptive. The boards are for intelligent and courteous discussion.
If you become condescending and insulting, we may or may not pull your account. Also, we reserve the right to alter the board
rules at any time as well as apply the board rules at our discretion.
Guideline rules - Violating can get you warnings or kicked
1. Do not use the Lord's name in vain. This is a matter
or respect to everyone that reads or post messages
2. Do not post the body of your message in the subject heading of the
post unless, of course, it is brief.
3. Do not post the same post on the other boards unless I have given you permission
to do so. This is spamming.
4. Please feel free to agree or disagree without fear of
censorship or ridicule.
5. Please remember that freedom of speech comes with responsibilities both to those who post and
to me as a webmaster to keep a proper and moral decorum on this site -- and I will.
6. Just be respectful during disagreements.
7. Please feel free to ask questions.
8. These board rules serve as the first warning to participants. Violations
will be taken seriously.